Crabitat Setup

In this section we will discuss the aspects of a properly setup crab cage or "crabitat" as it is ordinarily called. As mentioned throughout this site our approach is to attempt to simulate weather condition that hermit venereal would discover in nature.

Properly setup hermit crab crabitat

In regards to thLarge plastic bin used as a crabitatdue east crabitat this ways you lot demand to have a sandy / soil mixture deep enough that your largest crab can bury nether ground for extended periods while they molt.

It really does not matter what you apply as long as it meets these basic guidelines:

  • Your crabitat should be alpine enough to accommodate the necessary depth of sand for burying and still allow enough room for living infinite.
    • Beware there are 2 different types of glass tanks; aquariums and terrariums. Aquariums are designed to be filled with water, so obtaining the proper sand depth is no problem. Terrariums on the other manus, utilise a thinner drinking glass and are rated for only fractional water. Cheque with the manufacturer to encounter if your tank can safely concord the proper amount of sand. Information technology would be a disaster if the bottom or sides broke while you were using information technology.
  • Your crabitat should have room enough for 2 water dishes, 1 food dish, a hut, something to climb on and area to live in.
  • Your crabitat needs to accept a hat on it then that no ane can escape. Hermit crabs are escape artists. The small crabs tin can climb correct up the silicone in the corners of a tank.
  • The surface area you keep your crabitat in needs to remain at a adequately warm temperature (78deg. F is ideal). Cool temperatures cause the crabs to exist less agile. Excessive temperatures can result in overheating and death.
    • Keep the tank out of any air conditioner typhoon.
    • If keeping it outside during the summer make sure it remains out of straight sunlight. Hermit crabs are non basking creatures like many reptiles. If offered the pick between dominicus and shade, hermit crabs volition always pick the shade.
    • If you feel you need to add auxiliary heat in the winter use a nocturnal bulb or ceramic heater over one portion of the cage. Make sure the crabs can get out of the estrus if it is as well warm for them. It is always a skilful thought to put a thermal rheostat on the heater that turns it off when the cage reaches the correct temperature.
  • Endeavour to go on your cage at a humidity of effectually lx - fourscore%. Saturated natural sponges, humidifiers and misting with non-chlorinated water are all good ways to increase the humidity.
  • It is always a good thought to put your crabitat in a location where it will exist noticed and not forgotten. This fashion you lot will be apt to play with your crabs more often and they will begin to trust you faster.
    • Hermit crabs are nocturnal and can exist quite active and rowdy at night. Putting the cage in your bedroom tin can exist fun or a nuisance depending on your sleep habits.
  • When choosing a location for your cage be aware that hermit crabs are vulnerable to anything sprayed effectually their environment such every bit hair spray, cologne, room deodorizer and pest control sprays.

Custom jumbo crabitat 3ft wide by 6ft long by 6ft tall Custom 8ft long crabitat for tiny and small crabs